Gravitational Potential Energy

This page contains calculators for working out the force of gravity on or near the Earth’s surface. The formula is given as well as calculators with the equation rearranged to make mass (kg) and height (m) the subject. Examples are also given in each case. Potential energy is the stored energy of an object due to its position or state. For example, it we lift something up it now has greater potential energy. This is obvious if you have ever dropped something on your foot. The higher and heavier an object is the more potential it has to hurt when dropped, i.e. it possesses more energy. The equations used here use g (sometimes known as “little g”) and is the Earth’s gravitational field strength -- the force of gravity felt by objects on or near the surface of the Earth. Its value and units are 9.81 ms -2 . When using the calculators enter all figures without commas. For example, enter 2,400 as 2400.
To calculate the potential energy enter the mass (kg) and height (h) and click Calculate:

Enter the mass in kg:
Enter the height in m:


The gravitational potential energy is: newtons (J)

Calculate gravitational potential energy
The equation for gravitational potential energy is given on the right. Example: A person with a mass of 75 kg climbs a ladder to a height of 8 m. What is the resulting potential energy of the person at the top of the ladder? In this case we simply enter the mass and height into the calculator and click Calculate, to show that the answer is 5886 J. The same equation is sometimes shown in different ways, such as PE = mgh, PE grav = mgh, GPE = mgh, or U = mgh.
Where: E p = gravitational potential energy (J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength ( 9.81 ms -2 ) h = height (m)
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Gravitational Potential Energy Calculator

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Quick Facts Weight isn’t the same as mass. Weight is due to the pull of gravity. In space your weight can be zero, but your mass remains the same.
The equation for gravitational potential energy in joules (J) is:
To calculate the mass enter the energy (J) and height (h) and click Calculate:

Enter the energy in J:
Enter the height in m:


The mass is: kilograms (kg)

Calculate mass from potential energy and height
Where: m = mass (kg) E p = gravitational potential energy (J) g = gravitational field strength ( 9.81 ms -2 ) h = height (m)
The equation for mass from potential energy and height is:
The equation for mass is given above right. Example: A crane lifts an object to a height of 25 m and in doing so expends 12000 J of energy. What is the mass of the object? Again, we simply enter the energy and height into the calculator and click Calculate, to show that the answer is 48.9297 kg.
To calculate the height enter the energy (J) and mass (m) and click Calculate:

Enter the energy in J:
Enter the mass in kg:


The height is: meters (m)

Calculate height from potential energy and mass
Where: h = height (m) E p = gravitational potential energy (J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength ( 9.81 ms -2 )
The equation for height from potential energy and mass is:
The equation for mass is given above right. Example: Just before jumping from an aeroplane a skydiver has a potential energy of 3 million joules (J). The mass of the skydiver is 80 kg. What height did the skydiver jump from? We simply enter the energy and mass into the calculator and click Calculate, to show that the answer is 3822.63 meters (m).
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Gravitational Potential Energy

This page contains calculators for working out the force of gravity on or near the Earth’s surface. The formula is given as well as calculators with the equation rearranged to make mass (kg) and height (m) the subject. Examples are also given in each case. Potential energy is the stored energy of an object due to its position or state. For example, it we lift something up it now has greater potential energy. This is obvious if you have ever dropped something on your foot. The higher and heavier an object is the more potential it has to hurt when dropped, i.e. it possesses more energy. The equations used here use g (sometimes known as “little g”) and is the Earth’s gravitational field strength -- the force of gravity felt by objects on or near the surface of the Earth. Its value and units are 9.81 ms -2 . When using the calculators enter all figures without commas. For example, enter 2,400 as 2400.
SI Units Calculators

Gravitational Potential Energy


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To calculate the potential energy enter the mass (kg) and height (h) and click Calculate:

Enter the mass in kg:
Enter the height in m:


The gravitational potential energy is: newtons (J)

Calculate gravitational potential energy
The equation for gravitational potential energy is given below. Example: A person with a mass of 75 kg climbs a ladder to a height of 8 m. What is the resulting potential energy of the person at the top of the ladder? In this case we simply enter the mass and height into the calculator and click Calculate, to show that the answer is 5886 J. The same equation is sometimes shown in different ways, such as PE = mgh, PE grav = mgh, GPE = mgh, or U = mgh.
Where: E p = gravitational potential energy (J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength ( 9.81 ms -2 ) h = height (m)
The equation for gravitational potential energy in joules (J) is:
To calculate the mass enter the energy (J) and height (h) and click Calculate:

Enter the energy in J:
Enter the height in m:


The mass is: kilograms (kg)

Calculate mass from potential energy and height
The equation for mass is given above below. Example: A crane lifts an object to a height of 25 m and in doing so expends 12000 J of energy. What is the mass of the object? Again, we simply enter the energy and height into the calculator and click Calculate, to show that the answer is 48.9297 kg.
Where: m = mass (kg) E p = gravitational potential energy (J) g = gravitational field strength ( 9.81 ms -2 ) h = height (m)
The equation for mass from potential energy and height is:
To calculate the height enter the energy (J) and mass (m) and click Calculate:

Enter the energy in J:
Enter the mass in kg:


The height is: meters (m)

Calculate height from potential energy and mass
The equation for mass is given above below. Example: Just before jumping from an aeroplane a skydiver has a potential energy of 3 million joules (J). The mass of the skydiver is 80 kg. What height did the skydiver jump from? We simply enter the energy and mass into the calculator and click Calculate, to show that the answer is 3822.63 meters (m).
Where: h = height (m) E p = gravitational potential energy (J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength ( 9.81 ms -2 )
The equation for height from potential energy and mass is: